UT Health San Antonio Home
A list of endowed scholarships, memorials and funds stewarded by the School of Nursing are outlined below. If you are interested in contributing to an existing endowment or would like to explore establishing your own, please contact Anna Chowdhury, Director of Development by email or by phone at 210-450-7308.
Air Force Nurse Corp Foundation Endowed Scholarship
Tamara Lynn Baker Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Ruth Ann Baldwin Endowment for Nursing Education
Ruth Ann Baldwin Endowed Nursing Scholarship
Kelly S. Balser Nursing Scholarship
Sam Barshop Scholarship for Clinical Excellence
Bates Medical Scholarship Fund in the School of Nursing
Block-Dreeben Endowed Nursing Scholarship
Eileen T. Breslin, PhD, RN, FAAN Doctoral Education Endowment for Leadership and Innovation
Janey Briscoe Memorial Scholarship Fund
Anne Fishburne Briscoe, MS, RN, BSN, BS, ADN, AA, CCRN / Anne Pickens Fishburne, RN Endowed Scholarship in Nursing
Barbara Warren Cramblet Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Dr. JoAnn Crow Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Dale and Victoria Dittmar Nursing Endowment
Lark Ford Nursing Excellence Scholarship in honor of Mable C. and David Ford
Mary J. Ford Endowed Nursing Scholarship
Kelley and Pat Frost Endowed Nursing Scholarship
Margret "Bobbe"Gaskin Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Rudy and Barbara Gomez Nursing Technology & Education Endowment
Howard and Betty Halff Endowed Professorship in Nursing Excellence for Patient Care
Dr. Patty L. Hawken Nursing Endowed Professorship
Nancy Smith Hurd Endowed Nursing Scholarship
Nancy Smith Hurd President's Chair in Geriatric Nursing and Aging Studies
Loretta James Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Barbara L. Lust, R.N., Ph.D., Colonel, (ret) U.S. Army Nurse Corps Memorial Scholarship
Harry S. Lynch, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Peggy Marshall Endowed Scholarship for Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Studies Gifted in Part by CDR Kathryn and LTC Peter Bauer
Col. Jean Migliorino Endowed Scholarship
The Colonel Jean Migliorino & Lieutenant Colonel Philip Piccione Faculty Award for Research Excellence in the School of Nursing
Mary Faye Montgomery Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Mary Margaret Moran Scholarship
Anita Thigpen Perry Endowment for the Center for Community Based Health Promotion in Women and Children
Jane Cheever Powell and Thomas Levin Powell, Jr. Nursing Scholarship Endowment in Honor of Victoria Bolling, RN
Jane Cheever Powell and Thomas Levin Powell, Jr. Nursing Scholarship Endowment in Honor of Carol Ann Swartz
Faye and Arlie Price, Sr. Nursing Scholarship
Patricia E. Miller Reed, Lois A. Miller Cole, Jane June Miller, Warren Miller, and Wanda E. Reed Endowed Nursing Scholarship
Evelyn Revels Endowed Nursing Scholarship
Judith and Marven Rosenblum Endowed Memorial Scholarship in Nursing
Santa Rosa Children's Hospital Scholarship Fund in Memory of Taylor Andrew Marceau
Jennifer Herin-Selvester Endowed Nursing Scholarship
Katherine Erdmann Shelby Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Amy Shelton and V.H. McNutt Professorship in Nursing in honor of the Nurses of the Armed Forces
Leonard and Shirley Sterling Endowment Scholarship for Undergraduate Nursing
Carol Ann Swartz President's Endowed Scholarship for Nursing Excellence
UTHSCSA Nursing Alumni Scholarship Fund
Jill Earle Waddy Memorial Scholarship
Rita Yakubik Endowed Graduate Nursing Award for Excellence
Roger L. & Laura D. Zeller Charitable Foundation Professorship in Nursing
Office of Institutional Advancement7703 Floyd Curl Drive MC 7835San Antonio, TX 78229-3900
Please make all checks payable to UT Health San Antonio and include the area or designation you wish to support on the memo line.