Please join us in honoring Dr. Robert W. Huff and Dr. Elly M-J. Xenakis’ legacy and their combined record of dedicated service of over 78 years to UT Health San Antonio and the community by supporting the Robert W. Huff, MD and Elly M-J. Xenakis, MD Fund in Maternal Fetal Medicine.
Dr. Robert W. Huff, a native San Antonian, received his MD in 1966 from Baylor College of Medicine and completed his residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at UT Health San Antonio in 1972. He accepted an appointment to the faculty in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology after residency. Dr. Huff was a tenured Professor and retired with the title of Emeritus Professor at UT Health San Antonio. He was a recognized UT System Distinguished Teacher and the holder of the Joseph Seitchik Chair in Reproductive Genetics.
Dr. Huff specialized in Maternal Fetal Medicine and Clinical Genetics and mentored multiple generations of medical students, residents, fellows and faculty as well as the countless technicians, nurses and staff that have received his instruction and enjoyed his good humor. His patients described him as extremely compassionate, engaging, with an impeccable bedside manner. He is well-known as an institution in the specialties of maternal fetal medicine and genetics. Dr. Huff’s incredible professionalism, scholarly accomplishments and collegial spirit are unparalleled and embody the highest values of the University of Texas and the Obstetrics and Gynecology community.
Dr. Elly Xenakis was born in Bucharest, Romania, and graduated with an M.D. from the Pavia Medical School in Italy in 1983. She completed her OB/GYN residency at Brooklyn Caledonian Hospital in New York. After her residency, she pursued Maternal Fetal Medicine Fellowship and joined the faculty of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio. Dr. Xenakis was a tenured Professor and upon retirement was awarded the title of Emeritus Professor.
Dr. Xenakis has received numerous awards for her outstanding teaching and mentorship in Obstetrics and Gynecology. She was the OB/GYN Residency Program Director at UT Health for over 23 years fostering the education of hundreds of residents, students and fellows. She held the Joseph Seitchik Chair in Reproductive Genetics and the Jane and Roland Blumberg Professorship in Obstetrics and Gynecology. She is well-known as an outstanding and caring clinician, colleague and friend. Many of her former trainees stay in contact with her seeking guidance and advice on personal and professional decisions.
The Robert W. Huff, MD and Elly M-J. Xenakis, MD Fund in Maternal Fetal Medicine will perpetuate their legacy of excellence in patient care, education, research, and service to the South Texas community, while supporting continued Maternal Fetal Medicine academic achievement and research in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Kelly King, Assistant Director of Development, at (210) 567-0245.