About Giving


Thanks to the generosity of more than 8,000 donors,
The Campaign for the Future of Health
is closer than ever
to reaching its $300 million goal. But who will be the catalyst
to ignite our Campaign and fuel it to completion?

The answer is you.
How? Through the Health Science Center’s Annual Fund for the Future of Health.

This year we’re launching our first Annual Fund for the Future of Health at the UT Health Science Center. Gifts contributed over the next year to the Fund will help us close our $300 million Campaign for the Future of Health.

At 96 percent to our goal, we are close to completing the largest campaign in UT Health Science Center history. We invite YOU to be part of our Annual Fund to help bring the best and brightest scientists to San Antonio; build state-of-the-art research laboratories where new therapies and treatments will be discovered; and educate the doctors, nurses, dentists, research scientists, and other health professionals who will care for future generations.

Your support will help make lives better for San Antonio, South Texas and our world.

Donate to the Annual Fund!

Help us make a lasting difference for the Future of Health by giving to the UT Health Science Center Annual Fund.

What is the Annual Fund for the Future of Health?

The Annual Fund for the Future of Health offers the opportunity for everyone to participate in supporting the Health Science Center. Every gift will make a lasting difference in the Health Science Center’s future. The Annual Fund will be a cornerstone of fundraising at the Health Science Center each year, providing much-needed sustaining support for our most important university priorities and programs.

 Why are gifts to the Annual Fund important?

Twenty-seven percent of the Health Science Center’s budget comes from state funding. Since our Health Science Center consists of five professional schools with smaller student enrollments, tuition accounts for only 4 percent of university revenue. Annual fund support is needed to ensure we continue to advance our most important goals for the future of health.

 The Annual Fund for the Future of Health benefits:

Research: Today, researchers at your Health Science Center are taking their discoveries and translating them into better ways to diagnose and prevent deadly diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer, or understanding how we slow the pace of aging toward longer healthier lives. The Health Science Center and its lifesaving research affect us all.

Students: Students also benefit from the educational scholarships and enriched academic experiences your annual gifts help make possible. Our graduates are the pipeline of exceptional health care providers who will practice across the globe. Many choose to remain in South Texas to practice where their skills, compassionate care and scientific research are critically needed.

Faculty: Annual Fund gifts also enhance the Health Science Center’s effectiveness in competing for faculty: world-class scientists, clinicians and educators to work in the university’s signature areas of research and care. These include aging, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, infectious diseases, musculoskeletal diseases, neurosciences, oral health, transplantation and women’s health.

With South Texas designated as a Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA), the need to educate, attract and retain our exceptional faculty researchers and health professionals is essential to the future of health for this region. HPSAs include geographic areas, population groups and facilities recognized by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services as having an acute shortage of health care personnel.

Capital: The UT Health Science Center is the leading research institution in South Texas and one of the major health sciences universities in the world. With a fiscal year 2009 operating budget of $668 million, the Health Science Center is the chief catalyst for the $16.3 billion biosciences and health care sector in San Antonio’s economy. The Health Science Center has had an estimated $36 billion impact on the region since its inception and has expanded to six campuses in San Antonio, Laredo, Harlingen and Edinburg.

Your gifts will provide much-needed capital support for new laboratories and equipment that help our world-class biomedical scientists and clinicians advance discovery through leading-edge biosciences research.

Where does my gift to the Annual Fund go?

You may choose to support a particular area that interests you the most, such as:

  • Outstanding faculty clinician/scientists
  • World-class medical research
  • Scholarships and student education
  • Laboratories and equipment
  • President’s Excellence Fund, supporting our top priorities

Every gift to the Annual Fund this year will make lives better and help us complete our Campaign for the Future of Health.

How can I make a gift to the Annual Fund?

Mail your check to:
Annual Fund for the Future of Health
Office of Development - MC 7835
UT Health Science Center
7703 Floyd Curl Drive
San Antonio, TX 78229-3900

 Automatic Gift Deduction:
Automatic Gift Deduction Form

Call our Development Office at:
(210) 567-6395

 Everyone is honored for their generosity

At the Health Science Center, we make lives better for South Texas and the world because of generous community support like yours.

Every donor who supports our Campaign for the Future of Health – including donors to the Annual Fund for the Future of Health – will be recognized in the South Texas Research Facility (STRF) slated to open in 2011. Your gift will be part of future lifesaving discoveries our faculty and students will make in state-of-the-art laboratories at the STRF.

Thank you for considering a gift to our first Annual Fund for the Future of Health. When the Campaign for the Future of Health is completed, everyone wins.

UT Health Science Center San Antonio
Office of Institutional Advancement, MC – 7835
7703 Floyd Curl Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78229-3900
Phone: (210) 567-9219 | Fax: (210) 567-3016